Saturday, 3 March 2012

1st Semi Proper Band-to-be Practice

That was quite interesting. I went around my friends late as it is and we were intending to do a band practice, although I'm not quite sure if its really a band yet as there is no name and I just pretty much just got told I'm included In this band and will have to sing lead. I got to his place with my partner, we did start to sing for a while but as I do know myself I started messing around halfway thought and did the chicken dance for about 3 hours...How can a person hold such concentration when they mess up? I do wonder. There are many amazing people in this world. The song we were practising was rolling in the deep by Adele,  a person would think that it would be easy because we have already chosen our song...BUT just as I presumed I thought wrong again. We ended up having me sing lead in different octaves in different part of the song just to know what's best way to sing it and our guitarist ended up playing a complete different song all day. We really did well in our practice...this feeling of hitting it off well is not in the slightest in the highest peak, Hope it can get better not me singing johny cash again! Oh its so hard to handle friends though when you want them to practice properly. I just wonder for advice on how to discipline people that will refuse to listen and make excuses! Whoever you are that can, your my life saviour. Tiring day it was, Well that's it for today about my yesterday troubles...If anything interesting happens today I will keep in mind and write. For now I bid you all farewell and a nice cup of hot warm drink.


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